DFI prepping ultimate Intel motherboard

OUR FRIENDS FROM XtremeSystems.org told us that Oskar Wu, crazy BIOS-magician managed to get 632 MHz front-side bus on upcoming motherboard from DFI, the P35-T2R.
Since Intel's current FSB is actually 266MHz in QDR (Quad-Data-Rate) mode, seeing 632 MHz, or 2.53GHz FSB is nothing short of spectacular performance and display of stability seen on a motherboard. We took a picture of this baby bare naked, since DFI still has not finished the layout of the heatpipe cooling for this monster.

Monster caught on a display back at Computex tradeshow in Taipei
As soon as the heatpipe cooling system is finished, this bad baby will hit production. We cannot stay silent, but state - with HD2900XT hitting GPU overclock in 200-250 MHz range, and with DFI's P35 motherboard hitting over 100 MHz higher FSB overclock than anyone else… what proof is needed to show that digital PWM or DVRM, as Iwill called it on its debut in 2003, is a massive improvement over analogue power distribution systems?

We hope that more and more motherboards and graphics cards will come to market with digital distribution, because the performance outstrips the increased cost, and this is now pretty obvious.

Oskar's E6600 was getting beautifully precise amount of power per pin, and 632 MHz is nothing to be sneezed at. Did we mention that memory bandwidth finally passed 10 GB/s on Intel-based motherboard as well? ยต


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