Intel Core i7 920 and 965 review


Intel Core i7 920 and 965 Extreme processor



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Street price:

Core i7 920 (284 USD) Core i7 965 (999 USD)

Intel Core i7 review 2008Aaah yes, my dear apprentices ... the force is strong today. Hey everybody and welcome to another review. Intel’s code-named Nehalem processors have been discussed for years now, it's been pending for a long time and Intel's' marketing machine has been spinning for for a while. Today is the day that Intel is lifting the embargo on these consumer desktop processors that you guys all have known to learn as the "Nehalem" processors. The processors will become available this month, and they should be fast, they should be flexible and also, reasonably priced. What's not to like, eh?

So today Intel launches these Nehalem based puppies on the new name Core i7 as in their 7th architectural generation. A name that will catch on quickly and you'll get used to it just as quickly as well. No less then three processors are announced today and will take a look at two of them. We'll do more though, later this week a couple of x58 motherboard reviews but today we'll also post an extensive Multi-GPU article to see what kind of effect Core i7 processors have on the hottest gaming gear.

But surely we start off with the processors themselves.

Nehalem (familily) processors code-named Bloomfield (Core i7) have four physical processor cores and a triple-channel DDR3 memory controller.

A new processor deserves a new motherboard, so a new chipset is announced today as well; the x58 chipset. We'll cover that mainboard in several other articles this week as well, but we really wanted a review dedicated to the new architecture first.

Speaking of architecture, what we'll do today is to have a deeper look inside the Core i7 processor, the technology, the architecture, a nice little photo-shoot and obviously a decent benchmark session to see where this product establishes itself performance wise. All in all we got a lot to cover, so hover onward to the next page where I'll show you what specifically is being launched today.

Good times, let's rock. Next page please.

Intel Core i7 review 2008


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