Hardware multithreading in microprocessors has proliferated in recent years. The majority of Intel® architecture processors shipping today provide one or more forms of hardware multi-threading support (multicore and/or simultaneous multithreading (SMT), the latter introduced as HyperThreading Technology in 2002). From a processor hardware perspective, the physical package of an Intel 64 processor can support SMT and multi-core. Consequently, a physical processor is effectively a hierarchically ordered collection of logical processors with some forms of shared system resources (for example, memory, bus/system links, caches) From a platform hardware perspective, hardware multithreading that exists in a multi-processor system may consist of two or more physical processors organized in either uniform or non-uniform configuration with respect to the memory subsystem.
Application programming using hardware multithreading features must follow the programming models and software constructs provided by the underlying operating system. For example, an OS scheduler generally assigns a software task from a queue using hardware resource at the granularity of a logical processor; an OS may define its own data structure and provide services to applications that allows them to customize the assignment between task and logical processor via an affinity construct for multithreaded applications The OS and the software stack underneath an application (the BIOS, the OS loader) also play significant roles in bringing up the hardware multi-threading features and configuring the software constructs defined by the OS.
The CPUID instruction in Intel 64 architecture defines a rich set of information to assist BIOS, OS, and applications to query processor topology that are needed for efficient operation by each respective member of the software stack. Generally, the BIOS needs to gather topology information of a physical processor, determine how many physical processors are present in the system; prepare the necessary software constructs related to system topology, and pass along the system topology information to the next layer of the software stack that takes over control of the system. The OS and the application layers have a wide range of uses for topology information. This document covers several common software usages by OS and applications for using CPUID to analyze processor topology in a single-processor or multi-processor system.
The primary software usage of processor topology enumeration deals with querying and identifying the hierarchical relationship of logical processor, processor cores, and physical packages in a single-processor or multi-processor system. We’ll refer to this usage as system topology enumeration. System topology enumeration may be needed by OS or certain applications to implement licensing policy based on physical processors. It is used by OS to implement efficient task-scheduling, minimize thread migration, configure application thread management interfaces, and configure memory allocation services appropriate to the processor/memory topology. Multithreaded applications need system topology information to determine optimal thread binding, manage memory allocation for optimal locality, and improve performance scaling in multi-processor systems.
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